By LasagnaRawks - 09/11/2009 10:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend only stayed with me because he didn't want to "be alone," and now that he has a new girlfriend, apparently he won't be. We were together for three and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 994
You deserved it 3 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really do not want to be with someone like that anyway. It's not an FML at all. Lucky you! You are rid of someone so insecure he is incapable of being without a girlfriend.


you and your husband both deserved it!!!!!

NativeCowbell 0

I doubt he's telling you the truth. He is more likely telling you this just to be a jackass. Don't beat yourself up.

Don't worry. Kharma's a bitch, perhaps this new relationship of his will end soon (if the girl finds out what a jerk he is, it surely will!) and he'll be alone anyway.

Maybe Karma will get you for desecrating the name with the revolting letter H.

Sounds like someone I know. If they're anything alike he'll move on when the next big thing comes along.

You probably should have picked up on that, and either done something about it to make the relationship better, or realized and accepted that it wasn't going to work out. You wasted your time with him because you were self-absorbed and inattentive. YDI. It was a learning experience and I wish you better luck in the future.

TeenageDancer13 0

Same thing happened to me. No lie. Three and a half years. he left me because I was too dependent. He had no alone time and now he's always with his new girlfriend.

thats an excuse. my bf used that too when he broke up with me just last night. it hurst so bad

visage 0

Wait a min... if that's you in your avatar I'd make for damn sure you're not alone tonight! Tomorrow? Different story.

omg! i had the same thing hap to me a few weeks ago. TOTAL FML