By Howhardisittoclosethefuckingdooryouidiot - 05/01/2018 09:00 - United States
Same thing different taste
Open door policy
By Anonymous - 09/03/2021 23:01
By seaweedlady - 21/06/2011 14:49 - United States
Healthy lifestyle influencer
By I’m done - 26/04/2022 10:00
Pleased to meet you
By Anonymous - 11/11/2022 22:00
By NeedaNosePlug - 26/01/2012 05:19 - United States
Time to get a lock
By Anonymous - 11/03/2024 08:00 - United States
By appropriatepolice - 16/01/2012 08:19 - United States
Famous for something
By leaflady03 - 27/04/2021 00:30
By MedChew - 08/05/2015 12:46 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
My body, my choice
By Anonymous - 06/04/2024 07:00 - United States - Maryland Heights
Top comments
When you're a mother you no longer go to the toilet alone. I haven't shit alone in 15 years. The second you shut a door, all hell breaks loose. Someone hurts themselves, a fist fight starts, someone needs their shoes tied, someone is crying, they want to ask a retarded question and it's vital you answer it this second. It might just be a habit. Or she's trying to tell you something, like move out.
Love the name... Got some place where you and your buddies can avoid this issue like maybe like the basement your room or something?
TBF, she probably stopped shutting the door because of you wanting to go in with her. OK, you've grown a little since you were a toddler. However, if she's 57, you've probably grown enough to move out?
Dump her! Oh, wait, too late! She beat you to the punch!
So would it be ok if she wasn't obese? and is this something she just started?
That’s one hell of a name dude.