By one_BAMF - 25/07/2010 05:06 - Canada

Today, I dislocated my shoulder. How? I went to a party with some friends and they each bet me $20 I couldn't lick my elbow. I guess I proved them wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 386
You deserved it 42 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Booze to get drunk enough to be stupid - $50 bet to lick own elbow - $20 hospital bill after dislocating own elbow - $2000 Look on your friends faces when you lick it - Priceless


Maht_fml 0

you're awesome. you've just destroyed reality. now elvis can return from his underground beach sanctuary.

this is the saddest thing i heard all month... won a $20 bet just to result in a more expensive surgery to come.. Nice.. and all you retards calling this a win and telling OP to celebrate, you need to be removed of any reproductive organs..

3kmtg 7

how is this fml? dude that is ******* awsome

83pgm 0

Kudos on disproving the impossible, but if you dislocated your shoulder, you tried too hard. You deserve it.

my brother dislocated my shoulder once. it's not that bad.

Sparkiee93 3

You can use the $100 or so to pay for the hospital bill ;P

rushnike7 1

now your gonna keep dislocating til you have surgery on it. I'm getting a second surgery on my shoulder from soccer

My friend can actually lick her shoulder :)

thats actually really easy. and OP, you deserved it either way you got hopefully over $100 for it.