By owew - 09/12/2010 05:33

Today, I don't know anyone in the city where I just moved. I felt really lonely so I picked up my cat to try and cuddle with her. She freaked out and ripped my face apart. She ran then away to go play with the cats outside. Even my cat has more friends than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 084
You deserved it 5 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Strike up conversations with interesting people in the emergency room. Chat up the doctor giving you stitches. Ask the nurse sopping up your blood what fun things there are to do in town. People won't come to you, OP. Put in some effort and soon you'll have a ton of friends who enjoy hanging out with disfigured crybabies. Good luck!


You just moved there and you let your cat outside? Great way to make sure it gets lost.. 6 weeks of inside time is recommended so a cat knows where it lives :/

By 'play' you mean have sex with. And by 'friends' you mean tom-cats who are willing to impregnate her.

That is the worst use of shitty syntax I have ever read. Go back to school!