By lsta - 04/05/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I donated blood for the first time, and all the nurses kept complimenting on how good my veins were. That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in the past 2 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 034
You deserved it 4 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sure you have pleanty of great qualites, but FYL for people not recognizing them

Yes but to many compliments make one vein


hey at least you have good veins. I've been in the emergency room 5 times in the last month and they always have to poke me a bunch of times. it sucks.

it doesnt really mean you have good veins it just means they can easily draw blood

I've had so many IVs my doctor couldn't get it in the one arm because of scare tissue..

hewro_failure 11

My mom is a nurse and she says that to me all the time, she then does an impression of sticking ones needle in ... I have a phobia of needles ... Probably my only fear.

The_9th_Doctor 18

I bet you have good everything. do guys say how sexy your veins are?

I have quite the opposite problem. I have horrible veins and because I'm very sick I get IVs all the time, so there's a lot of scar tissue, and scars. I usually get asked if I shoot up :/