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By dealingdave - 19/12/2011 12:24 - United States

Today, I dropped my 7-year-old son off at school. He decided to have fun and step out of my car screaming "Stranger danger" while running away and pointing at me. I then had to get out of my car to shut the door he'd left wide open. This caused 20 other kids to scream "Stranger danger" as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 341
You deserved it 3 050

dealingdave tells us more.

I did not ground the boy. I simply told him his entire life belongs to me now until he's 18!


HunterAlpha1 8

if my kids did that it would be the last thing they ever did!

Bludmagnus 13

That child should be beat within an inch of his life... sorry... but that is exactly why children should be given physical punishment.

Pink Floyd quote. You, my friend, are epic...

Oceansnipe17 8

I'd whip his ass right then and there, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like that again

Kelsey_Bam98 0

Ha, wow, sounds like something I would do, Lol(:

little kids trying to be funny... the memories. U FUKN PEICE OF *****!!!!!

That's what you get for bringing up your kids in fear. YDI

Login10 0

Ha ha ha I can't stop laughing

fukthisss 5

Sounds like your kid rocks!!!!!