By dealingdave - 19/12/2011 12:24 - United States
dealingdave tells us more.
I did not ground the boy. I simply told him his entire life belongs to me now until he's 18!
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I did not ground the boy. I simply told him his entire life belongs to me now until he's 18!
Good job, OP.
boring! you suck, op, for not even grounding the little bastard! if my kid did that, I'd spank him in front of all the other kids!
I was never taught stranger danger, is it an American thing? So many fmls about it, sounds like a silly idea, just teach kids to stay away from strangers not yell stuff out.
But that only works if they aren't being actively chased. If they are it helps to yell out something that's widely known so people with enough guts will help... Or at least someone will look in that direction and the "stranger" will be less likely to keep following.
punish him?
Haha your son Is hilarious! I'd be very proud if he was my kid
wow ha ha, tell her that there will be no Santa this year because he is a stranger ;)
Rather funny but not for you lol. As long as he does that for real then its ok ;)
You raised your kid to be a brat. You deserved it.

Wow... Hope my little girl never does that...
I like strangers.