By Anonymous - 12/11/2008 08:10 - France

Today, I dropped my keys in the sewer. The spare ones are inside my locked car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 947
You deserved it 11 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tygastyle 0

my boyfriend does that and i think he's an idiot. thats the point of a spare key, right?

Haha YDI for leaving SPARE keys in your car. Hahah that's a good one tho :P


Tygastyle 0

my boyfriend does that and i think he's an idiot. thats the point of a spare key, right?


True, why the hell would people do something stupid like that

moralpolice 0

Call AAA if you're a member. Tell them you locked your keys in the car.

Haha YDI for leaving SPARE keys in your car. Hahah that's a good one tho :P

I think this person needs a spare key for their spare key.

blahblahblah43 0

thats an awesome place to leave a spare key for your car, huh?

ethanmonroe 0

YDI. Who keeps their spares inside of their car? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of spare keys?

lovelover_fml 0