By mizzleshizzle - 09/03/2010 18:42 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Academia ain't for everyone
By Spoopy Flame III - 18/11/2020 17:02
My bad
By Jokkim - 20/06/2016 18:24 - United States - Norfolk
Shut down
By Anonymous - 21/11/2020 23:03 - France
By OiVey - 01/11/2017 18:30 - United States - Padre Island Ntl Seashor
By absentminded - 11/03/2009 18:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 18:04 - Canada
By dumb4$$0rz - 23/12/2010 21:01 - United States
By PineappleOfMyEye - 13/12/2018 12:30
By link - 26/05/2018 18:30 - United States - Edmond
By "Anti_Sora" - 24/03/2019 18:00
Top comments
I bet u have ******* idiot written all over yr forehead...dumbass
Yes dropping a class means the end of your life. You only have one option--go French Kiss a Dementor.
If you thought that the risk of getting a bad grade was worse than the risk of dropping a class you were doing well in, that's a decision you need to live with.
seriously?! and why wouldn't you wait until you got your score? YDI. No pity from me.
You really need to check first before you do something like that. That's 101% your fault, Y completely DI.
How is this in the love category? Also YDI.