By mizzleshizzle - 09/03/2010 18:42 - Canada

Today, I dropped my physics class because I thought I bombed the 50% second midterm test. I got my results an hour after dropping online. I finished with an 83. I can't get back into the course. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 294
You deserved it 64 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really need to check first before you do something like that. That's 101% your fault, Y completely DI.

How is this in the love category? Also YDI.


I bet u have ******* idiot written all over yr forehead...dumbass

missvee98324 0

gosh i think someone has an attitude ^^

Yes dropping a class means the end of your life. You only have one option--go French Kiss a Dementor.

If you thought that the risk of getting a bad grade was worse than the risk of dropping a class you were doing well in, that's a decision you need to live with.

zoezoe06 0
davixen2009 0

wow! ydi! who drops before the know their grade! hope you learned your lesson...

seriously?! and why wouldn't you wait until you got your score? YDI. No pity from me.

scorpioserpent 1

They probably go by the semester system like my college. We are just half way through.