By kennyjhynes - 23/06/2014 13:56 - United States
Same thing different taste
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States
By longdrive - 14/10/2014 05:17 - United States - San Francisco
Call CPS
By Mortified - 03/10/2022 23:30
Phone holder
By my arms hurt - 25/11/2019 20:00 - United States - San Diego
By bummerdood - 26/08/2012 04:15 - United States - Wichita
Driving me mad
By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France
By Anonymous - 27/07/2013 17:51 - Finland
By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 13:20 - United States
Shut up, bitch!
By Anonymous - 03/12/2021 19:59
By JackieD - 25/08/2014 18:05 - United States - Bellevue
Top comments
At least they're not having a heated argument of which orange dash board marking they chose for Eye Spy.
12 hours!! where were you going?
Just be glad they were talking about a good movie. With little girls it could have been much much much worse. Twilight worse.
You deserve it for not putting on frozen for the girls
Be a parent/adult figure and learn to keep the people in your vehicle under control. This isn't worthy of fml
At least your time passed out well
Everything is cool when you're part of team!
Did they make good suggestions?
I see future film screenwriters.
12 hours!? Woah. You're brave, OP.