By kennyjhynes - 23/06/2014 13:56 - United States

Today, I drove 12 hours with 6 screaming little girls. They were arguing about things that should've been in the Lego movie. They watched it 4 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 960
You deserved it 5 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

I see future film screenwriters.


At least they're not having a heated argument of which orange dash board marking they chose for Eye Spy.

RedPillSucks 31

I'm betting this was part of a traveling soccer or softball team. God, I hated those drives, even though my kids were quiet.

FroggerForReal 11

At that point I guess they could've made a whole new movie right. But sorry OP kids are always loud. I know I was.

Just be glad they were talking about a good movie. With little girls it could have been much much much worse. Twilight worse.

You deserve it for not putting on frozen for the girls

Be a parent/adult figure and learn to keep the people in your vehicle under control. This isn't worthy of fml

Airborn0280 18

Next time slowly turn up the radio until you can't hear them anymore.

Everything is cool when you're part of team!