By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 03:17 - Canada

Today, I drove 3 hours to surprise my girlfriend, who I hadn't seen in 3 weeks. When she opened the door, she gasped, told me to fuck off and slammed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 807
You deserved it 2 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has multiple personalities. That's the one that doesn't like you.

Probably the same one that has a different boyfriend.


Well maybe that was not your girlfriend..maybe you had a few beers in your car and..idk just saying..

ManicGypsy 22

Are you sure that she's your girlfriend? Is she aware of that? When was your last conversation with her, and did it possibly end with her threatening a restraining order?

I guess we have the same type of relationship... #3... 1. Single 2. couple 3. In a relationship of which she is not a wear of my existence.

No. Even a grammar hippie would despair at guessed-at phonetic spelling like that.

mds9986 24

Well I guess you surprised her.

How long had you been together? If the relationship wasn't serious to her then you turning up on her doorstep unannounced is quite creepy.

tiger820 20

that's cause she had another dude there, **** her! off with her head! ?

Probably because there was another man at her place. sorry man