By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 03:17 - Canada

Today, I drove 3 hours to surprise my girlfriend, who I hadn't seen in 3 weeks. When she opened the door, she gasped, told me to fuck off and slammed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 807
You deserved it 2 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has multiple personalities. That's the one that doesn't like you.

Probably the same one that has a different boyfriend.


A lot of jumping to conclusions going on here. How long were they dating for this not to be creepy? Perhaps she wasn't expecting company and was not ready for him to show up unannounced. Maybe her house was a mess, or even her personal grooming. Whatever the case, he wasn't welcome at that moment. I actually know a guy who did this. He thought it would be romantic, and against my strong urgings that he give her a heads up before he traveled hours to see her, he went and did it anyway. It did not go as well as he expected either. Scenarios like this are more romantic in the movies than they are in real life. In real life, people have their regular lives to live and cannot always be prepared for surprise company, no matter how much they would otherwise welcome the person.

Even still, telling someone to **** off and then slam a door in their face isn't considered a friendly gesture

We don't even really know for a fact that she said "**** off"... I think OP is paraphrasing as well as exaggerating. That being said, I also think doing this sort of thing is rude as opposed to romantic.

That really sucks :( It doesn't excuse her behaviour but I think that some people don't like surprises. You want to be able to plan your day and get ready so you look nice and feel good when with your bf.

#37 I'm pretty sure she doesn't care about that.

to be very very honest, it seems that you might have been interrupting something, if you know what i mean.

Who answers the door in the middle of sex?

Hopefully she's not your girlfriend anymore. Sorry OP

this needs a follow up. I want to know what you did after that.

poorjudgement 26

I really hope she is your ex now. No matter what, that kind of behaviour is absolutely horrible.