By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 03:17 - Canada

Today, I drove 3 hours to surprise my girlfriend, who I hadn't seen in 3 weeks. When she opened the door, she gasped, told me to fuck off and slammed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 807
You deserved it 2 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has multiple personalities. That's the one that doesn't like you.

Probably the same one that has a different boyfriend.


dragoongirl90 34

Maybe because you hadn't seen her for three weeks?

Did you walk in on her taking care of some other guy? Possibly bad timing or maybe she's just no good

Not cool to make surprise visits, i would do the same i think.. I hate surprises, one reason why i ******* hate my birthday .

Pretty sure your relationship with her is over. If it isn't already, I'd advise you probably consider it.

Obviously you don't surprise your gf like that, she probably didn't have any makeup on, had morning breath, and was in her granny panties! -.-

streetvybz 8

did she know she was your gf?

are you sure she's really your girlfriend?