By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 05:06 - United States

Today, I drove my new car with a manual transmission for the first time by myself. I was at a stoplight and saw a cute guy in the car next to me. He looked my way and gave me "the nod". The light turned green and I tried to go but I stalled out, lurching my car forward right into the car next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 311
You deserved it 26 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not knowing how to drive a stick shift.

@4, have you ever stalled a car in gear? She prob popped the clutch without giving enugh gas which causes the car to launch forward and then stall fr not giving enough gas. So yes you can stall a car and lurch it forward, still though YDI for trying to race without practice.


I don't understand how people in the US can drive a stick shift car when they've only learnt how to drive an automatic? In Hungary for example, if you've learnt to drive an automatic, you get an automatic-only limited license thus you're (fortunately) unable to drive a manual. Shifting takes time to get used to, and it's better to do supervised...

same in the UK, i never understood why it wasn't this way in America.

ooohman 0

#31, i disagree with you. america is just fine. i learned on an auto and then learned how to drive a stick after i got my license. not that difficult. i just drove with parents and friends in one until i got the hang of it. driving a stick is really not that difficult after you have learned on an auto

I disagree too. It took me about half an hour in a parking lot, and then less than an hour on residential roads to be able to drive a manual transmission. It's not that hard if you already know how to drive a car. I don't see a need for another test. Most people (maybe not OP) have enough common sense to know they can't just hop in a car with a manual transmission for the first time and take off.

Maybe because we aren't pansies. So you know how to drive automatic, big deal, that isn't driving. I learned how to drive an automatic car in driver's education. My first car after that was a stick shift, and guess what? I didn't need a supervisor or any of that bullshit, I pulled it out of the driveway, and went around the block and drove around the area for a little bit. Amazingly, I managed to figure out how to drive manual in like a hour. People can't do shit by themselves nowadays without being babied.

I disagree, I learned how to drive on an automatic and then when I got my licence my dad took me to a parking lot with the manual transmission car that I was going to drive. Half an hour later and I had the hang of it, its not hard. Unfortunately that car had to be sold and all I have now is an automatic, but I bet I could drive a manual still with little or no practice.

yottskry 0

No, you ARE pansies - no one in the UK drives an automatic! Everyone learns on a 'stick shift' (awww, it sounds so cute!) and only the people who repeatedly fail their test drive an automatic. You'll find it's that way in pretty much the whole of Europe - we all learn to drive in manual cars and use automatics as a last resort if all else fails because, as the other guy said, if you get an automatic license it restricts you to just automatics, and no one wants that humiliation.

maybe the OP's driven standard before, just in a different car? there's a huge difference in driving a manual '96 ford escort and driving, say, an '08 honda civic. i still don't understand how you could hit the car next to you though..

That's what happens when you try to impress total strangers while trying to drive.

Spac3Ghost 0

that makes no sense? "lurching FORWARD into the car NEXT to me"!? does your car drive sideways?

jaeilssanguh 0

She was totally drifting into that turn.

If you don't know how to operate manual transmission then you should get some practice before you get on the road.

how do you go forward into the car next to you? that must be a difficult maneuver....

LauraTheKiwi 0

What has the cute guy have to do with this FML?

Why were you trying to go forward when the car in front of you or next to you clearly wasnt?

YDI for getting in a car you cannot drive without stalling. learn to drive a stickshift before you drive it!

deaditegirl 0

YDI for not knowing how to drive.