By kay131 - 09/09/2015 22:37 - United States - San Francisco
kay131 tells us more.
Thanks for all the sympathies. This is my first FML to get published so I'm super happy. It's my first week back at school in four years. I received my bachelors and started working full time. I've had the luxury of parking in a parking lot all this time. I actually live in New York City so street parking is extremely difficult to find. I should have known better when I saw such a close spot to the school. #17 is completely correct. I was so convinced that it was Tuesday that I didn't even think to double check the date but I've learned my lesson now. I'm going to suck it up and pay it. I'm shaking my own head because it's such a silly reason to get a ticket.
Top comments
You will probably be able to fight it. I would if I were you.
"I'm going to fight the ticket because I messed up the day and the ticket is 100% valid. That will work!" That's a waste of everyone's time and maybe money. My city charges a dispute fee for all tickets and if you lose the dispute you forfeit the fee and have to pay the ticket at the full, non-discounted rate.
It happens to the best of us, OP :( Make sure to always double check the date to avoid things like this happening again.
I personally just avoid parking in those areas all together.
You can't really do that though... they clean most, if not all, of the streets at some point through the week. At least where I live. If you avoid all the streets with street cleaning signs you'd never be able to park anywhere. That's the whole point of putting the times when they do it- so you know when you can or cannot park there.
ditch the car, ride a bicycle!
That sucks op, at least it wasn't towed
Very true. Then there would be the type fee and such on top of the ticket. Not to mention having to go get the car from the impound.
Looking at your profile pic it was probably you who towed it
You got to pay more attention.
I'm sorry about your luck, OP. However, for future reference, I'd avoid parking in certain areas altogether. Never take a chance for its better to be safe than sorry.
At least they didn't towe you
I can see how that can happen. I have been thrown off too.

That sucks op, at least it wasn't towed
I'm sorry about your luck, OP. However, for future reference, I'd avoid parking in certain areas altogether. Never take a chance for its better to be safe than sorry.