By idontbleedfromthere - 22/08/2012 23:10 - United States - Indio
Same thing different taste
By burritobreasts - 15/10/2014 06:27
By Anonymous - 20/02/2010 02:21 - Australia
By arrrrggggghhhh - 04/03/2009 23:38 - United States
By anon - 22/05/2015 02:22 - United Kingdom - Birmingham
By BroadcitySF - 28/02/2016 03:42 - United States - San Francisco
Morning pick-me-up
By Anonymous - 30/01/2011 05:05 - United States
By shittysituation - 05/01/2015 06:27 - United States - Milpitas
By luckycharmed - 17/06/2014 17:34 - United States
By germophobe - 02/09/2014 01:53 - Canada - Calgary
By Sir Vom-a-lot - 14/06/2012 16:28 - United Kingdom - West Drayton
Top comments
Your name is hilarious.
Haha I agree 1. OP, at least they weren't used tampons.
Yes, because women enjoy a man's happy juice in their mouths. -.-
if u have your own room put a bucket of cold water with red food coloring that way when your roommate walks in to do the deed they will fall into that one and when your roommate wakes you up with a loud scream throw a bunch of tampons at him/her!!! and say ha who's bleeding now??? lol Idk....or try super gluing tampons all over his/her stuff?? or go to their room at night at grab some pads mark it with red marker and pour a little bit of coca-cola on then and put the sticky side all over their bed/face/body/room while he/she is asleep.... hehehee
Coulda been worse. Coulda been used.
Her roomate sounds like a douche... Pay her back with a used one
Awkward because the 'grammar nazi's' profile photo has a grammatical error in it :/
No, you shouldn't have a profile picture with a spelling error in it because you exist.
Dude, read the name "idon'tbleedfromthere", which most likely means that the ****** tampon was used! how would you feel having a used tampon put in your mouth by your roommate? would you "lighten up"?
I dont bleed from there states that blood does not come out of her mouth(that kind at least). It never mentions the tampon...I don't know how you got to assuming it was used
This reminds me of that episode in South Park where Cartman put a tampon in Butter's mouth, and took a picture of it.
I thought that was his penis
Yeah but didn't he have an album or something, where he kept pictures of stuff he had done to Butter's while he slept?
Yeah, Cartman put his penis in Butters' mouth, not a tampon.
There was a photo in the album titled "The Sleeping Menstrual", I believe. Although the episode did revolve primarily around the photo of his penis in Butter's mouth.
Imagine if you choked on it in your sleep and died...The police report would be something to see.
The dispatch call would be hilarious too. "We've got a Ms. Robinson over on 4th street. Passed away last night. Approximate age is about 21. Cause of death is choking... Choking by... Uh... Er... Well. This is a new one. Choking by tampon. We need a team out there to take a look at the scene."
That would be an interesting C.S.I. episode.
Well it could be thoughtful. Preventing stains? Maybe? No yeah it'd be even more creepy. Maybe once is a little funny. But not 3 times. That's just lame.
That brings a whole new meaning to having a dirty mouth...
25, they created Orbitz for a reason.
53- Even Orbitz can't fix used tampon breathe.
Hopefully it's not a used tampon..
I say get revenge!!!

Your name is hilarious.
Imagine if you choked on it in your sleep and died...The police report would be something to see.