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By Braelynn - 26/01/2011 07:48

Today, my 4 year old cousin is staying overnight. Every time I fall asleep he wakes me up to tell me I fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 208
You deserved it 3 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's cute, but till him to go to sleep too and make up a story on why it is important for him to sleep before you; kids love stuff like that. Of course don't tell him about something along the lines of Dead Space 2.

Slip the ****** some Nyquil. Or, you know, lock your door and go to sleep.


lovexbox 8

Damn... give him some sleep medicine or tell him to shut the **** up.

Kids are so cute!!=) don't tell them to shut up

lovexbox 8

Exactly you tell them to shut the **** up.

sometimes kids are cute... but you still tell them to shut up

Acousticpixie14 6

I think that's adorable! It's really annoying and frustrating, sure, but you've got to admit that's cute. Don't tell little kids to shut up...they're not developed enough to understand that their joy and affection towards you is a bad thing. Try and help him fall asleep first, then go to sleep yourself. Maybe he's just nervous about being at a house other than his own....or super excited to be able to spend time with you! If worse comes to worse, give him some children's Benadryl.

therealdavid 0
therealdavid 0

I didn't know that hot was suddenly a verb.

therealdavid 0

was a typo;p hate the keybaord on iPad app....

tap him in the throat ( taps as in slightly hit him)

DearLar 0

maybe tell him to be quiet instead of shut up?(:

Even cheaper solution: Smother him with a pillow.

lovexbox 8

I have a better one, I have a gun and bullets... want to borrow it, OP?

Lovebox you should never have kids. that goes for anyone else who suggested drugging a child just to shut them up. ******* morons

Hey, Sazzers, the internet is some serious business, and you should take everything you read seriously. That said, I babysit children for money to help pay for college books and gas. I slip part of a 30mg Oxy in their applesauce during snack time so that I can have the house to myself for four hours while they sleep. During that time, I cook meth in the basement in a fold-out lab. Sometimes, I even let the kids try it to test the quality. I'm aiming to make Heisenberg quality ice, brah.

KingDingALing 9

52- Damn...that's a good idea. I do the same thing except I sell it to children that are in elementary school and tell them it's candy.

Midnight, are you serious? I can't believe you'd do that! 30 mg is waaay more than you need. 10 mg is more than enough. You're just wasting oxy, fool!

Hey now, Doc, I said part of a 30mg Oxy. I figured 3 or 4 kids a 30 would be cheaper than buying a lot of 10s.

RedPillSucks 31

@30, Seems perfectly fine to me... *Hey babe. I'ma hot you. I'ma hot you slow... I'ma hot you like you've never been hotted before*

i know (at least hope) that the comments on here arent to be taken seriously , but it is disgusting to talk about doing any of those things to a child. he's 4 years old... just a baby. people are sick for even joking about this. reason why i wont being hiring anyone to babysit for me when i have my baby. you never know, someone could be serious and be ok posting these things because no one will take them seriously on a FML post anyways.

mariluvs 0

"lmao u ppl r estupidXD" Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot.

badbe 0

#44 I wish someone would have shot you. Seriously, try your own advice and shut the **** up.

lovexbox 8

How sweet :) Thanks for the advice, but no thanks!

Acousticpixie14 6

#85... Hahaha I almost peed my pants with that one.

just punch them in the face, they will stop XD

iSitt 0

when the op falls asleep he snores.

27 - I don't see how poisoning donkeys is going to solve the problem. I think that's just cruel.

Slip the ****** some Nyquil. Or, you know, lock your door and go to sleep.

lovexbox 8

Not everyone has a lock on their bedroom door.

I think shutting them in a room and is warranted in this situation. :)

That's cute, but till him to go to sleep too and make up a story on why it is important for him to sleep before you; kids love stuff like that. Of course don't tell him about something along the lines of Dead Space 2.

How am I ripping on Dead Space, genius? Do you really want a 4 year old kid to know what goes on in that game? Seriously, read and get the joke. I have Dead Space 2 collector's edition and about to finish it on zealot. I'm ripping on Dead Space... LMFAO

FeistyKitten 3

Close the door...? I'm assuming you're not watching him, because if you were, you wouldn't be sleeping while he was awake anyway. Otherwise your cousin's parents need a better babysitter. Common sense fail, IMO, YDI.

play some beethoven. that can put ANYONE to sleep

the next time he does that scream an scare tha **** outa his lil ass......i gurantee hell go ta sleep or either shut tha **** up

or he may (just maaay) cry his eyes out..just a little worse than waking he/she up every 5 minutes..

Or maybe (just maaaybe) he may be scarred for life and never go to OP's house agai-wait a second..... OP, do that idea! You'll never have to deal with the kid again! And pics or it didn't happen. Seeing a little kids face in that situation would be priceless :)