By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 00:29 - Canada

Today, I entered my bedroom, ready to play some COD on my xbox 360. Instead, I find a note where my xbox used to be. It read "You think you can cheat on me and get away with it? Fuck you. I smashed the hell out of your stupid xbox." It was signed by my girlfriend. I never cheated on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 940
You deserved it 3 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demand that she replaces it. If she doesn't, take her to small claims court for vandalism, trespassing and theft. Get a restraining order while you're at it.

marshmallowmouse 0

I'm pretty sure you can sue for that or something... :( Hey, at least she's gone, right? She's gone.... right?


my xbox gets on my nerves cuz I spent $90 on a wireless network adapter and it doesn't pick up the modem, is the ps3 better

Wow dude. That blows! Make her buy another one for you. Oh, and ignore all the PS3 losers. They are just desperately trying to validate buying a £300 Blu ray player. Plus, they can't even buy the map packs yet! Hah. Oh, and #9. You speak the truth.

Wow. It's stupid bitches like this that give the rest of us girls bad names. Sue her pathetic ass, get a restaining order, and find a gamer girlfriend. We're better anyways. (;

you should totally make that crazy bitch buy you a new one

Herropreez17 0

Okay, she owes you at least the following 1. A new Xbox. 2. A BJ. 3. Modern Warfare 3 (and she has to wait in line for it). You owe her 1. A lawsuit.

hateevryone 14

that bitch smashed your xbox all because she THOUGHT you cheated on her?