By dreamer2639 - 03/07/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I exchanged numbers with this guy in the McDonald's drive-thru. When he asked why I gave him my number I told him I thought he had a nice smile. When I asked him the same question, he responded with "I just thought you had a nice rack". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 533
You deserved it 47 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for exchanging numbers with someone at a McDonald's... what else would you expect?

fxdxhk90 0

Epic win for that guy. Woman always claim to want honesty out of a man, well he was just being honest, quit bitching.


In this case my namesake at this website is right. He complimented you on your nice rack, I don't see how this is an FML. I moderated this one :D

adamdrinkslots 0

haha, go to the 'ijustwanttotellyou' site. he'll probably be on there saying "girl from the drivethru, i just want to tell you, i remember saying that you had a nice rack, but in all reality, it really wasnt that nice, i'm just desperate as hell."

I thought it was pretty common sense that you shouldn't be picking up dudes at McDonald's.

well did you think itd be the personality, you met him in in the drive-through for 3 seconds before you change numbers!

Why is everyone hating on the people at McDonalds? What if the dude was like 17 and still in high school?

im a girl and work at McDonalds, almost ALL the guys who work there are under the age of 20. It's not just the girls that come in to eat that get those comments. It's just a young guy thing. It has nothing to do with the fact that they work somewhere.

MSJ91 1

You're right, but it's the circumstances in which they met. They met AT McDonalds for the first time, and without knowing anything of each other beforehand. You shouldn't expect much when you meet people randomly like that (or at bars, dances or anywhere else where guys go to pick up chicks) .

melxox 0

get over yourself, that was a compliment, if he said i thought i could **** your mom then fyl sheesh

So what did you expect? He was charmed by your eyes and outgoing personality? Reality check FTW.