By dreamer2639 - 03/07/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I exchanged numbers with this guy in the McDonald's drive-thru. When he asked why I gave him my number I told him I thought he had a nice smile. When I asked him the same question, he responded with "I just thought you had a nice rack". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 533
You deserved it 47 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for exchanging numbers with someone at a McDonald's... what else would you expect?

fxdxhk90 0

Epic win for that guy. Woman always claim to want honesty out of a man, well he was just being honest, quit bitching.


honesty is crucial in a healthy relationship

What were you especting, Cinderella?

hawt_leah_foshiz 0

Lmao...Um hey I have a cousin who works at Burger King wanna hook up with him? hahahahaha jk don't get your hopes up!

who the hell tries to hook up while picking up drive-thru McDonalds?

babybarb 0

How is this an FML? You got a compliment and a number. You're ******* stupid.

what's the problem here? you finally met an honest guy

misterman2 3

yeah, your life is Fed because you have a nice rack, and someone noticed. >_>