By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada

Today, I excitedly checked the mail to see if my Halloween costume finally arrived. It didn't. I live in an isolated city, so finding a costume by any other means than the Internet was impossible. I spent over $100 for a costume that I won't even get to wear this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 6 983

Same thing different taste


Get creative and make your costume. Youtube is full of tutorials

mkitn 0

Hey on the bright side you have a costume for next year!

but halloween isn't till tomorrow though..

Ur from Ontario, mail doesn't come on weekends. Check tomorrow afternoon

2_uNik4u 0
miz_kamakazi 11

The real question is why OP waited so long to order their costume? Common sense, if you order something online, order it with ample time to allow processing and delivery. Expected delivery dates are sort of a gamble.

ktally23 0

Next day air wasn't an option?

jebron 13

An isolated city? If it's a city then there will be plenty of places to buy a costume, supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations, grocery stores etc.

loserthegreat 11

just rip up some old clothes, cover yourself with red food dye and blacken your eyes with dark eyeshadow and voila. instant zombie costume. sorry but i dont see why this is problem.

Solution: grab a large white trash bag and a Sharpie. Write "deuche" across it and put it on like a dress. Voila! Instant costume. Oe go as yourself, same dif... (ydi, either order sooner or pay the extra for faster shipping.)