By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada

Today, I excitedly checked the mail to see if my Halloween costume finally arrived. It didn't. I live in an isolated city, so finding a costume by any other means than the Internet was impossible. I spent over $100 for a costume that I won't even get to wear this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 6 983

Same thing different taste


on the bright side, you'll get to wear it next year :D.

Ydi for obviously ordering at the last minute...

AliCat18 12

no sympathy for ordering online specially when you pay before you have even recieved it! its called "home-made" you should try it some time.

Hey, on a bright side, you will be the first person to get next year Halloween costume in your town.

Thats what next day air is for genius... YDI

When you get it, return it and get your money back. Also, order earlier next year. Or keep this one for next year.

Why would anyone pay $100 for a Halloween costume? You could make one for a few bucks.

Meaningless 1

Oh I know the feeling spending a lot of money on a costume. And won't be able to wear it. I had a custom costume made for me for the 31st. It won't be here for another 2wks.