By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada

Today, I excitedly checked the mail to see if my Halloween costume finally arrived. It didn't. I live in an isolated city, so finding a costume by any other means than the Internet was impossible. I spent over $100 for a costume that I won't even get to wear this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 6 983

Same thing different taste


JinxosGirl87 0

I ordered a cocktail dress online for the cruise I'll be going on early next month. Turns out I won't get it until the end of the month. I hope we both learned our lesson about online shopping!

Well if it's no use to you, get a refund. Just send it back and cite the late delivery as your reason. It sucks you've missed the parties but you don't have to be out of pocket too.

It's so easy to make your own I was misty from Pokemon this year all I bought was a yellow shirt, suspenders, and a poke ball and poof instant misty

citymayer 7

FYL for spending $100 on a Halloween costume...

1) Get a big picture frame and remove the glass. 2) Dress up really nice. 3) Hold the frame in front of your face and now you have an instant self portrait costume!