By barf - 06/02/2015 23:00 - Ireland

Today, I experienced the horror of walking in on my best friend fondling his tits. Yes, "his". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 799
You deserved it 3 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmm a case with an independent man who don't need no woman apparently..


lexiieeex3 32

Come on! Even guys like to play "Tune in Tokyo"

My milkshake brings all the guy to the yard.... Ohhh dodgeball.

may be he was checking it to make sure there are no signs of concerns....

marcmaralou 15

I kind of want to know how he tried to justify this

metalcrazed 21

He shouldn't have to. She violated his privacy.

Here's hoping the op's mammary of this event fades quickly

If you two are best friends, you've probably seen worst haha