The nickname that sticks

By boobswerehere - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Reno

Today, I went to visit my best friend at her house. I saw her five year-old brother playing in the front yard, and as I walked up to the door he shouted, "Boobs are here! Boobs are here!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 953
You deserved it 1 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid needs to watch more Sesame Street and less Family Guy.


JMichael 25

How dare you assume their gender and the gender of the icon they picked out?!?!

Yeah come on! It's 2016. The female gender icon obviously represents something else.

I sexually identify as a 1997 ford taurus

I have a 97 Mercury tracer, basically the cheap and no-bells and whistles version

Yeah, change your body and have a potentially dangerous and expensive surgery over the word of a five year old kids. What.

Hey, twin peaks are better than a bumpy plain.

That kid needs to watch more Sesame Street and less Family Guy.

Have a laugh about it and see if his mom can change his attitude/reaction towards you :).

Do you, by any chance, look like Drake Bell or Josh Peck?

Hopefully he didn't know what the word meant or you best friend told him to say that as a joke!

I've worked with children over 10 years. Typically around 4-5 they find out the words for privates parts, and like to talk about it.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

this is where the photo fml would come in handy

It might help if you show less cleavage...

Nowhere in this FML is cleavage mentioned, but if somebody does something socially unacceptable in response to cleavage, the onus is not on the person with the bearer of boobs to change behavior. Not to mention, as a somewhat straight man myself, I cannot figure it why on earth people are advocating for LESS cleavage! Surely we want MORE!

It would help if the little brat's parents taught him to be respectful of others.

I have a 5 yr old, if mine said that I would laugh like hell because he doesn't think in sexual terms. I'd definetly talk to him about why we don't say things like that but children that age seldom mean things the way we interpret them.

Yes, because you can only tell someone has boobs if they have a low cut top.