By Dante - 07/01/2011 00:26

Today, I fell and got a nasty cut above my right eye. The doctor in the ER sealed the wound with surgical glue. He also glued his glove to my eyebrow, and let glue run onto my eyelid. Not only do I have a scar and medical bill, I now have no eyebrow or eyelashes on my right eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 824
You deserved it 2 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Basically, you have to pay for a bad and unwanted wax job?

FYLDeep 25

DocBastard must have been in that day.


..that doctor is a complete fool and should be fired for not knowing wtf he was doing.

You fell got a nasty cut? Fix your English and maybe you won't fall get another one.

burninnapalm 5

Op's English is right, it says he fell and got a nasty cut above his right eye. there is nothing wrong about that sentence

it would be so much better if you had free health care like the NHS.

killabee 0

And people wonder why health care is so expensive. Frickin malpractice insurance because everyone is yelling sue, sue, sue! "I lost my eyebrow, I'm entitled to 3 million dollars!" Bullshit.

Only in America would someone sue the healthcare system because they lost an eyebrow. I know that people may say that I am just buying into stereotypes, but I see ridiculous amounts of people saying "SUE!" for the stupidest things. If you would sue for this, than you are a complete idiot.

MorgStar 0

Only in America would people sue for this, true, which is why I loathe America, but if someone TRIED to sue for this, it would not happen. The only answer is to not pay, or deal.

drzhottie148 0
reject4life 0

wow that blows sue the doctor

...stop having problems that don't exist?

48 is right, if you talk to the right person, probably no need to sue anyone.