By Dante - 07/01/2011 00:26

Today, I fell and got a nasty cut above my right eye. The doctor in the ER sealed the wound with surgical glue. He also glued his glove to my eyebrow, and let glue run onto my eyelid. Not only do I have a scar and medical bill, I now have no eyebrow or eyelashes on my right eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 824
You deserved it 2 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Basically, you have to pay for a bad and unwanted wax job?

FYLDeep 25

DocBastard must have been in that day.


skyeyez9 24

Sounds like a 5yr old glued your wound shut. Little kids and apparently retarded doctors go overboard when using glue. He must have graduated at the bottom of his class or his rich dad paid paid someone off to pass his kid.

skyeyez9 24

At the most you shouldn't have to pay your medical bill. Which was probably $700 to glue a glove to your eyebrow.

I wouldn't immediately jump to "sue," but I would take pictures of it while it still looks super bad and talk to your insurance company to see if they have any advice as to how to get out of the bill. (I've had a car insurance company help with this before; maybe your health insurance will be nicer than most and help.) If that doesn't work, then contact a lawyer or legal aid and ask what your next step should be. You're really lucky none of this got into your eye, at least.

hahahahahahaha OMG dude this is hilarious!!!

angrygoat1214 0

holy shit. same thing happened to my 14 month old son. and the doctor couldnt even get the glove off my sons eyebrow. my son, after about an hour of rubbing some shit on the glue right above my sons eye, he reach up and just yanked it off.

Theres no way id pay for that bill if anything id make them pay me lol

RiahDawn 0

Doctors are so careless these days. OP go back to the hospital and put in a report about them. Oh and #73 I hope you got a discount at least. Poor kid.