By Dante - 07/01/2011 00:26

Today, I fell and got a nasty cut above my right eye. The doctor in the ER sealed the wound with surgical glue. He also glued his glove to my eyebrow, and let glue run onto my eyelid. Not only do I have a scar and medical bill, I now have no eyebrow or eyelashes on my right eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 824
You deserved it 2 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Basically, you have to pay for a bad and unwanted wax job?

FYLDeep 25

DocBastard must have been in that day.


BowlerGirl_18 2

They could've just cut it off, right? Smh

time to sue. hope you like being rich

duma191 21

you are aware that "surgical glue" is actually just super glue. are you not? superglue gell works great for cuts on your head or hands.