By EpicFail - 04/02/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, I fell asleep. I felt something on my face. I batted it away. It was my hamster. It died from a concussion upon hitting the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 773
You deserved it 16 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meganl_fml 0

i feel more bad for your hamster


lmfao i so did that to my sisters hamster too. the little ****** got out and i woke up to havin somethin crawl around on my chest i thought it was a mouse or somethin so i grabbed it really quick and threw it against the wall... :( poor hamster was layin there dead the next morning...

**** your life..? I say **** your hamsters life! Oh wait, your hamster doesn't have a life! Okay sorry, I had to say that. But wow, reading this is really depressing, especially since I've had a lot of pet rats over the years = R.I.P Hamster<333

THATS HORRIBLE!! =[ this makes me really sad

xania_fml 0

lmfao @ 43 and 57 and 53...sorry guys but i am sick today and just reading this and these comments made me feel better...but now i feel bad for laughing, but BAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

earwig12 1

Could be worse. One of my friends squeezed her pet hamster to death when she was younger. And juggled her goldfish to death. Actually, she kind of scares me.

oh no! that really sux! i am so sorry! #65-haha! reminds me of the girl from finding nemo.

I was thinking the same! I think her name was Darla.

lola_noone 0

why was ur hampster not in a cage thats what cages r for so u dont hit the hampster into a wall


Hamster*, hamster**, along with other spelling mistakes.

Im sorry but thats kind of funny just imagine that! How far away was the wall lol it would be funnier if it were like 10 feet away so it just was flying lol sorry though dood