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By lawman - 15/08/2013 13:34 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, my dad, under threats of disowning me, insisted that I offer my sister a job in my company. I run my own law firm, she is a hairdresser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 787
You deserved it 3 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blakesinthelake 11

It's not up to you or your father to supply your sister with a job. Especially if she's under qualified. FYL


He just wanted to make sure that she could keep turning heads

AnOriginalName 19

I don't even know what that means.

I think it was a try at a hairdressing pun. Either that or my hairdresser has been doing it wrong all this time....

Then she should know all about sweeping. Let her join your custodial staff. :P

threer 30

"Now sweep that mop of yours into the water so I can brush it!" No, I don't think it'll work out..

blakesinthelake 11

It's not up to you or your father to supply your sister with a job. Especially if she's under qualified. FYL

Haha just make her sort out your files for minimum wage c; your dad can't disown your and most likely your sister won't take the job...

I don't get why no one else thinks OP's sister can learn? She could easily start as a secretary or receptionist and work her way up. Thats what people have done in the workplace for years.

It depends on how big the law firm is. Op might already have people employed who know what they are doing. Just because someone is family does not mean you have to give them work/money. If there is an opening that the sister could fill then I do not see why hiring her would be a problem. But why does Op have to take a hit, fire someone they like, or create a position for the sister to fill?

Yakostovian 18

If the OP is concerned over hiring his sister, he probably has more reservations than just "she is a hairdresser." I'd be willing to bet that it was just a fast way to try and convey the information that he finds her under-qualified to perform any work for his firm without firing someone else that works for him.

@53, I don't think OP's sister can just learn to be a lawyer by simply having a receptionist job there.

Well maybe she is stupid? It happens. Also if he lets himself be bullied into hiring his sister, what comes next? She wants more salary? A free friday 2 times a month? I would feel uncomfortable with hiring family members anyway and even more so if they are unqualified and someone tries to force me to hire them.

ILoveMyArm 15

Yes OP, just explain your reasoning to him and I'm sure you both will straighten it all out. Try knot to get all tied up in this. Besides, it is not like she will dye without the job.

Allennis44 16

No more puns. Dear god, please, no more puns.

skittycat213 19

#106 - NO!! MORE PUNS!!! MORE PUNS NOW!!!!!

That's ridiculous. Stand your ground and hire who you want to!

Also who the **** cares if OP gets disowned... It's not like OP needs the money if they have their own law firm. Sincerely, the person who only sees the money that her parents has to offer because I hate them and they hate me.

102 - OP obviously cares. It's sad that you don't care for your parents and they supposedly don't care for you (I doubt that is actually the case) but there's a lot more to it for most people than an inheritance.

102 please take your issues to a therapist... Sincerely, someone who doesn't give a ****

Corgidan 12

Note that he had to "offer" her a job, nothing was technically mentioned about "hiring" her.

razzledazzle21 23

You could have her go around doing everyone's hair and nails! Not only would you be an awesome brother but an awesome boss as well!

What self respecting law firm doesn't have a hairdressing department?

punkyboy 11

I know if they didn't they would be guilty of having bad hair styles

You should let her in- free haircuts for life

Shouldn't she already give him free haircuts, being siblings and all?

School is really expensive. I personally don't give out free haircuts because I spent a lot of my own money and time in order to make a living.

My aunt is a hairdresser and she cut my hair for free for prom and her wedding. Other than that, I either pay $20 or clean her house in exchange for whatever I want. She gives discounts to immediate family who cannot afford to pay full price of $50. But when my doctor uncle asked for a discount she told him no. Just because someone is family does not mean you should take advantage of them.

narkill 13

Ahem, janitor should do. Or at the most a secretary.

Yakostovian 18

You assume a secretary at a law firm is not a knowledgeable employee. That is far from the case. (No pun intended.)

justmeCee 16

Agreed #70. It is usually required to at least have graduated from Office Admin. (Law) before qualifying to be a secretary for a law firm. Op should tell his sister if she wants a job at his firm she needs to go get the required credentials.

Yeah, but I think it might be a little different if she's working for her brother. He could have someone train her in what she needs to know or give her a loan to get the education she needs on the promise of her working for him. Then a portion of her paycheck could go towards paying for the loan until it's paid off. Then again, if she had wanted to be a paralegal, I would think she'd go to school for it rather than beauty school. But I'm just throwing ideas out there.

That sounds closer to a paralegal. Secretaries are glorified typists and document editors. Exec pa does more so does paralegal. I would take on OP sister as receptionist if really pushed tho.

Why should he be pushed to take on his sister. Obviously he does not want to hire her for whatever reason (lack of experience, personality) and should not be forced to. If she needs money or a job, she should be an adult and speak to Op herself.

I did work experience as a secretary at my aunt's law firm and I have a degree in 3d animation, and they all said I was good at it (completely the opposite right?) I think OP should give his sister a chance, a month trial at most, she could be good at it because being a hairdresser she must know how to handle different types of people and that's a good skill for a secretary

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Call the bluff. Someone needs some sense and you'll be better off without the drama.

Got yourself in quite a hairy situation there

Jake_Hale 7

LOL oh my gosh I was gonna use that pun! Very "Punny" :D