By EpicFail - 04/02/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, I fell asleep. I felt something on my face. I batted it away. It was my hamster. It died from a concussion upon hitting the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 773
You deserved it 16 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meganl_fml 0

i feel more bad for your hamster


Why the heck was ur hamster out of it's cage?! Ydi for not taking better care of ur pet

pink_alpaca 7

my hamster died after i forgot it outside and the dog tasted it.

Why was your hamster out of its cage while you were sleeping? Wouldn't you be scared for it to get lost?

How did the hamster get on your face???

comic120 4

I might get downvotes for this, but I don't care I think this is really freaking funny