By EpicFail - 04/02/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, I fell asleep. I felt something on my face. I batted it away. It was my hamster. It died from a concussion upon hitting the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 773
You deserved it 16 004

Same thing different taste

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meganl_fml 0

i feel more bad for your hamster


midnightlime 0

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I killed my hamster too a few years back.... I was holding it, and I fell asleep and crushed him...

XxLorniklexX 0

OMG! THAT'S HORRIBLE! I know it wan an accident but GEEZE!! Why the hell was it out of it's cage?

Eir_fml 1

that's sad. I laughed at the comments though, and when I really imagined it

lol what was ur hamster doin out of its cage anyways? HAMSTER PHAIL.

This is one of those things that if I don't laugh about it I'll cry. That's so sad but the picture in my head is so funny. I hope you get a new hamster.

littleasian51 0

my little brother did tht once..... wen he was like 5, he was playing with my hamster. It bit him, so he threw it on the ground hella hard and killed it. SO SAD!

+1 for the story; +2 for the comments! hahaha i laughed so hard when i read this! but i'm sorry for your loss.

#35, #40, etc: I used to have a hamster in one of those connectable plastic hamster home type things. It was located on top of a dresser across the room from my bed. My hamster chewed its way out the cage every night for almost a week, and would cross the room to cuddle in my hair while I was sleeping. The last night it never came to wake me up, and we never saw it again. Sorry for your loss.