By nataliepaige - 19/07/2011 04:43 - Canada

Today, I fell asleep while watching an action movie. My newly installed surround sound system scared me so bad that I fell off the couch and smashed my face on our coffee table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 687
You deserved it 12 355

Same thing different taste


Cheer up, this just means you have a totally awesome sound system.

beautiful1998 0

how did you fall asleep while watching an action movie?? car chases, explosions, and battles arent enough to keep you awake?

what?? how did you fall asleep in the first place????

stoneywoney 3

lol while reading this I pictured it and I laughed so hard.

we have a coffee table together??? why didnt you tell me?!