By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 09:17 - New Zealand

Today, I fell over on the bus. X-Rays revealed not only that I have been growing extra bones in my foot, but that when I fell, I crushed all of them. Doctors don't know how to fix bones that aren't supposed to be there, so they're just going to cut them out. Two days before Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 151
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask if you can keep the freak bones! You can make a necklace as a gift!


that's suc nothing else can be said have Fun in ER

yorky_fml 0

yeah i feel yah!! im gettin my tonsales removed 4 days before christmas! no christmas dinner for me

how could it possibly be two days before Christmas?

yeah I have extra bones in my feet as well. found out when I was 6 and in ballet when I sprained both feet

Christmas is in five days... in Australia(:

yeah i had an extra bone growing in my right leg. i had to wait 2-3 years to get it removed :(

lksdliz 9

Definitely get a copy of the X-ray, to explain to your future kids why they're freaks!

cladams91 1

isn't it 4 days til christmas? unless this was some other year...