By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 09:17 - New Zealand

Today, I fell over on the bus. X-Rays revealed not only that I have been growing extra bones in my foot, but that when I fell, I crushed all of them. Doctors don't know how to fix bones that aren't supposed to be there, so they're just going to cut them out. Two days before Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 151
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask if you can keep the freak bones! You can make a necklace as a gift!


now you have something else to hang on the Xmas tree!!!

yaksandyetis 0

this girl is such an attention seeker. it's all over her facebook page as well. we went to school together. shut up Fran at least you're not dying

KennaDear 0

I had too get the same thing done a week ago. good luck!(:

i'd be concerned :O i was watching a medical show and there is a very rare disease that causes you to grow extra bones in your feet. :/ ask your doctor? its rare so they might not think about it.

that's not true, it's quite common to have extra bones growing in your feet alot of people do. when you injure yourself however is where problems occur which makes more sense my sister had the same problem had x2 foot surgeries to cut out extra bones many years after breaking it was healed because it didn't heal properly. but yea extra bones are very common and are usually no problem unless you sustain an injury

This is true. Everyone has them, its just that some people have more than others, taking them into the abnormal category. If you look on a foot X-ray they look like little oval discs. They are called sesamoid bones. Thing is if they break, they have very poor blood supply making healing difficult. Which is why the Dr may want to remove them

you_better 0

oh I had extra bones in my feet it hurt and it took like three months to recover

jku 14

YDI for growing extra bones in your foot.

zfchatroulette 24

Please, PLEASE, 124, tell me you're not actually serious. PLEASE.

I have extra bones in my feet too, it's most likely genetic. My mom and big sister have already had surgery to remove them. It's for the best that they removed them from you but sorry about it being Christmas time op.

Great Christmas present: people will have to help you out for everything while you sit back and let your foot heals up.