By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 09:17 - New Zealand

Today, I fell over on the bus. X-Rays revealed not only that I have been growing extra bones in my foot, but that when I fell, I crushed all of them. Doctors don't know how to fix bones that aren't supposed to be there, so they're just going to cut them out. Two days before Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 151
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask if you can keep the freak bones! You can make a necklace as a gift!


goalie_gurl 0

how could it be christmas in two days if it's only the 19th?

OP means the surgery is SCHEDULED for two days before christmas. They don't rush rush an operation unless it's an emergency.

Jojoo13_fml 0

Christmas is in 5 days, smarty pants.

the surgery is SCHEDULED 2 days before Christmas, smarty pants.

ItsJustMak 0

Ohh your using big girl word! Smarty Pants :) i like that one. your how old? 12?

well, I'm sure doctors know HOW to fix the bones, but they probably figure that seeing as the bones shouldn't be there, there's no point in fixing them.

I can relate to OP. I just found out that I have an extra bone in my foot, right above my heel. its supposed to fuse to your heel bone when you grow but apparently mine didn't. I'll be finding out from my doctor tomorrow what I need to do about it. thanks to this fml I'm really looking forward to finding out lol.

I have black surgery and I get my races tightened on the 23rd. I feel for you. :(

'All I want for christmas is two fixed feet!' ;)