By nkotz - 14/01/2013 18:34 - United States

Today, I felt like going to the gym. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come with me. She screamed at me for supposedly implying that she's fat. No, I just wanted to go to the gym with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well is she fat? If she is that insecure about her weight then she probably should go to they gym.

Sucks for you dude but you've just reminded me that i need to go to the gym, thanks!


Vinchenzo_Flux 8

There is a major difference in asking her to go, and asking her to go WITH you. Choose your words wisely OP, otherwise say hello to the couch.

It's women. They are too damn sensitive. They're crazy. Men are definitely the superior gender, no doubt about it. The only reason men pretend that women are equal is so we can have sex with them. That's it. All they are are walking vaginas. Men know if we told a women the truth that they're inferior to men they wouldn't have sex with us. So we pretend. We have no choice. I wonder how women feel knowing their sole purpose is to have sex with... Once we find a way to make babies without needing a woman to carry it I swear, they will all become our sex slaves because that's all they're good for. Cooking, cleaning, and sex.

"I'm not implying you're fat. I'm saying it outright, lardass."

Vidimus 13

Women are crazy, you know this right?

For the love of god, consider yourself lucky. Find someone else.

Girls can be so dramatic about this. No, you're not fat. But you can be skinny and unhealthy if you don't exercise!

Ah, girlfriends, always thinking you are plotting against them...