By nkotz - 14/01/2013 18:34 - United States

Today, I felt like going to the gym. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come with me. She screamed at me for supposedly implying that she's fat. No, I just wanted to go to the gym with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well is she fat? If she is that insecure about her weight then she probably should go to they gym.

Sucks for you dude but you've just reminded me that i need to go to the gym, thanks!


It's disappointing that she obviously didn't go to the gym with you it might have improved her confidence.

Or eroded it further... that really depends on how well she performs at the gym. She sounds like the kind of person who'd find the hottest person in the gym, compare herself to that person, and then be miserable and self-pitying as a result.

Idk, it could have give a different direction too. He should have been her "work out buddy" to get in the shape she wants to be in. It'd make her feel supported.

What is it with so many women getting really touchy as soon as anything remotely to do with weight comes up?

Because the media is so preoccupied with tiny non-existent celebrity bodies that women feel like they are failures if they don't match up. Some women eventually grow out of that mindset, but some never do.

And it's us constantly horny men that lust after them. Women feel that if they aren't as skinny as Anne Hathaway, men won't love them or will go elsewhere for love. Let me tell you other guys something - I've had every kind of woman you can imagine. Tall, short, skinny, fat, beautiful, not so beautiful, rich, poor, outgoing, shy, and all the others in between. The best loving I ever had came from a slightly overweight, kinda (she thought) plain looking, shy waitress/bartender with zero self confidence. This girl outshined the slightly famous actress I had been seeing and opened my eyes to the wonders of females of ALL shapes and sizes. What I'm trying to say is - the knockouts usually don't have time for you cuz they've always got their nose in a mirror and ya gotta wait so damn long for them to "just run in real quick and put on my face." Btw - I married that little tigress that thought she was so plain and I have enjoyed EVERY one of the last 35 years. And I'd do it again.

If you have a daughter you're setting a good example for what her boyfriends should be like!!

onorexveritas 23

why do some girls take everything so seriously? damn. sorry op

Damian95 16

I know misery loves company and all. And you only had good intentions. But she's a woman...maybe ya should've thought that through.

zombieslayer83 19

Your friend has insecurity issues much...?

xxEternalRain 13

Does she know she doesnt have to be fat to exercise?

KaiCer0 8

I heard its worse when you're married.

She used to be a heavenly body. Now she has so much mass that you have to take her to Planet Fitness.

Whats wrong with planet fitness? I work out there because it is an amazing gym. Not everyone who works out there is overly fat.

perdix 29

"You don't need me to inform you that you're fat. What does your gut tell you?" After that, you might not need to go to the gym. The hospital or morgue is more like it.

jujubunni5 9

I'm pretty sure since she over reacted that much because op asked her to go to the gym she'll probably skip the funeral and punch him into the ground herself.