By nkotz - 14/01/2013 18:34 - United States

Today, I felt like going to the gym. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come with me. She screamed at me for supposedly implying that she's fat. No, I just wanted to go to the gym with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well is she fat? If she is that insecure about her weight then she probably should go to they gym.

Sucks for you dude but you've just reminded me that i need to go to the gym, thanks!


Just say "Well, I don't go too much, so I just want to use the buddy system. I don't want to go alone." And if that doesn't help you tell her that she doesn't need a gym because she's fine the way she is and that you want her to come so she can help you out. Just some suggestions. You'll need to do a lot of ass-kissing in order to calm her down...also sex.

GoodLookingGeese 10

Yeah, with tea and spoon.. (whatever that means).

Women like this are the worst - you could them they look nice and they'd scream at you for not saying they look beautiful. It's a losing battle my friend.

Anything like that is like calling a girl fat.

There are different reasons why people go to the gym. It isn't always about weight loss; people can want to stay fit and in shape, or to build more muscle. I think your girlfriend is a tad insecure if she would assume that immediately and than start yelling at you about it.

Yes, because all women are weight-obsessed nags. Very enlightened. You must be a Nice Guy™

jogihoppa8343 23

its better you don't have to go with her...coz in such a situation you aren't able to concentrate on your workout sets. I have personally experienced that. trust me.

Why are so many girls so ******* sensitive and assuming?? It makes me want to ram my head into the next wall. God, I don't get how they even got boyfriends to begin with. Yes, I am insecure about some parts of my body and yes, I wouldn't like being called fat (I'm not) but if my boyfriend says he likes my body as it is, I believe him and don't throw a tantrum about it. We go to the gym together and when I try on some clothes I ask him for his honest opinion and not "yes, you look great. of course you look great. you're awesome honey". So he tells me I look good, I believe him and hey, once I'm home my mum tells me my butt looks like a boat in those jeans, great. No, no just ******* no. A partner should be able to tell you his (or her) honest opinion at all times (in a sensitive way if it's a sensitive topic) sheesh. Rant end. But girls like this just make me snap. See a therapist, you clearly have a problem...

jogihoppa8343 23

#80 : very well said.. your thoughts would be clear enough to make her realize about her mistakes

mrperspire 4

What!?! You want to to come to the gym with you? You want me to join you in your quest for a healthier lifestyle? How dare you!!