By nkotz - 14/01/2013 18:34 - United States

Today, I felt like going to the gym. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come with me. She screamed at me for supposedly implying that she's fat. No, I just wanted to go to the gym with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well is she fat? If she is that insecure about her weight then she probably should go to they gym.

Sucks for you dude but you've just reminded me that i need to go to the gym, thanks!


Wrong time of the month??? Idk good luck

Never say anything related to weight to any female you know!!! Don't even think about it.

Maria_Obligacia 14

What an annoying twit! It will only get worse, OP. She will keep you walking on egg shells and scream at you for the stupidest things. And you will work out alone. FYL. Find other people to do stuff with. I'd say, find a new girlfriend.

olpally 32

Over reaction much?? Bitches be crazy, or insecure. Girls read way too much into what guys say. Lol. She needs to chill.

muffinlovexD 12

It's the battle with a woman you'll never win . If you didn't ask she'd say you were implying she wasn't 'fit' enough to go.

Derpylicious 3

Do things like this happen often with her? 'Cause if they do, she is a crazy bitch and not worth the trouble.

jujubunni5 9

Just explain to her what's up. I'm sure she will open up to the idea if you tell her the truth. Plus, you don't need to be fat to work out and the benefits are plentiful!

I agree with number #6 it is how you said it that counts. If you said "wanna come to the gym with me lord knows you need it." Then YDI but if it was more like " going to the gym wanna come with" then FYL