By Calimero0 - 05/12/2017 01:30

Today, I felt so unwell that I didn't fall asleep until 4 AM. The baby woke up at 5, ready to start the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 272
You deserved it 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to Parenthood! Its crazy, it can definitely suck at times. But in the end, is Totally Worth ALL of it!

Lobby_Bee 17

Two shots of whiskey should quiet the baby down.


Welcome to Parenthood! Its crazy, it can definitely suck at times. But in the end, is Totally Worth ALL of it!

Try to nap when your baby does. Just make sure to be nearby or leave on the monitor so you can hear when (s)he wakes again :)

Lobby_Bee 17

Two shots of whiskey should quiet the baby down.

exileonmainst 16

Feed the baby to the squirrels and you’ll have your sleep.

If you fell asleep in the garage, you would have got to sleep at 2 am and you wouldn't hear the baby over the industrial fans.

Where are all of these children coming from? I’m not even getting laid, yet I’m having offspring!!!!

manb91uk 22

I bet you REALLY wish your neighbor hadn’t poked those holes in your condom now eh?

And yet my mother insists I should have one of these terrors for myself. I have yet to hear a compelling reason that can override the horror of stories like this.

ahh, the luxury of not having kids. enjoy the screaming. seriously, feel better.

It's weird what you have to do when you have kids right? lol