By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finally convinced a girl that I liked to have sex. I decided to swoop her off the feet like the movies and carry her to my bed. I ended up hitting her head on the door frame, knocking her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 067
You deserved it 86 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL. ahahahahaha Note to self, "we're not in movies"

You fail to mention whether you proceeded or not. Oh, and good job, sparky.


This exact FML was posted a while ago from the girl's point of view. I'm guessing this is copypasta.

#98: WTF is copypasta. Sounds like a really disgusting Italian dish.

I agree with #90 and 94, those of you who are saying that he should've just had sex with her when she was unconscious are horrible people, especially if you really mean it. Even if it's a joke it's not a funny joke. How would you like it if it was your sister or daughter or best friend who was knocked unconscious and then '******' anyway? If anyone deserves to not get laid it's you guys. OP: Real life isn't anything like the movies, hasn't anyone ever told you that?

"Today, I finally convinced a girl that I liked to have sex." LOL!!! I'm sorry, but even the first line had me cracking up. Girlfriend: :::Gasp!:::: "You like having sex? You dirty liar!"

God, that's a horribly unclear sentence. You don't deserve to get laid. Oh, and good job knocking her out...

Sheesh people! I'm sure that this is the most grammatically offensive sentence you could find on FML, and I want to thank you for attacking the writing so vigorously. I mean, I find that every other sentence in every other entry is grammatically pristine. :::rolls eyes::: Sure, there may be some ambiguity to this sentence, but I'm sure you got the meaning and just wanted to nitpick like assholes. So back off the poor guy--he already got blue-balled! But that situation sucks. If I were the girl, I'd be pissed!

GloomySkyz 0

And then suddenly, You find out she's brainwashed and doesn't wanna have sex with you.

lacotuitblue 0

THANK you #26. If you had to convince her, that's a FAIL right there.