By Anonymous - 19/01/2018 15:00

Today, I tried to propose to my girlfriend, but when I took out the ring it flew out of the box and disappeared. She's been crying for 3 hours and I'm down 2 grand. I still don't know what her answer is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 691
You deserved it 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

My best guess is she's crying because the proposal went wrong--hopefully, this means her answer would be yes. Once she's calmed and you've gone back to the jeweler's for a lost/stolen ring, go back and try again!

neuronerd 28

I'm so sorry that happened. In the future, you can insure jewelry against loss, damage, or theft. I had to learn about that the hard way too after losing a $1500 necklace.


EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

My best guess is she's crying because the proposal went wrong--hopefully, this means her answer would be yes. Once she's calmed and you've gone back to the jeweler's for a lost/stolen ring, go back and try again!

neuronerd 28

I'm so sorry that happened. In the future, you can insure jewelry against loss, damage, or theft. I had to learn about that the hard way too after losing a $1500 necklace.

Where were you?? I'm not sure how it can get lost, but I'm sure she's crying because of how her only proposal in her life went. It represents the challenges in life. It's how you work through it together that defines your relationship. One day you both will laugh!

Is she crying because of the lost ring or that you think you’re good enough for her?

gregjohnson298 8

thats so rude and mean but i guess this is fmk lol

I would never say anything like that in real life. FML allows me to let my Inner Dick run wild!

You have an inner dick too? Damn, I thought I was the only one to be so unfortunate. Oh, wait, you meant metaphorical inner dick. Well then, disregard everything I said, you lucky lucky bastard.

Yes, Dave, they are not like belly buttons. With belly buttons, innies are better, but for dicks, you really want an outie!

Either it wasn’t meant to be or that was a bad day for you

Who spends three hours crying instead of looking for the ring? Besides which, crying about an imperfect proposal? I know that in a story, the tale ends with the wedding, but a proposal is the real-life equivalent of a mid-game achievement, if not the starting tutorial. I'm sure OP knew his girl was this kind of person when he asked, but sheesh. Best of luck, man.

What is it about women and crying about every little thing? Shit happens, I know, and it sucks dick. However, crying about it for three ******* hours does nothing to fix the problem and just makes you look like the prissiest of little princesses.

First off, I wouldn't generalize too much there. I for one barely cry when things happen, and I know a lot of females like that. And secondly, the way we process emotions comes out different. Men tend to react with anger and women tend to react with tears. Just the way our brains are wired. BUT everyone has different personalities and different ways of handling things (life experiences have an impact). If this happened to me, I would probably breakdown in laughter because it's funny, and then help search lol

Jesus try being a woman. There's so many hormones it's insane. Also maybe that was a moment of her life she'd been dreaming about for years and when it went wrong it hurt.

You don’t say where you were when you lost it, but it’ll likely be within a 6’ max radius of where you were standing. Get ahold of a metal detector and find that sucker. $2k is too much to just blow off. Also, if your lady is the decent kind, she’ll give you another shot at it and in 20 years you both will look back and laugh about it.

Agreed. And there's no reason to not give him 'another shot'. Shit happens. Laugh it off and move on. Dropping the ring shouldn't be so traumatic...

Oh, if you have renters or homeowners insurance and still can’t find the ring, it’s loss may be covered under your policy

I hope you got insurance on it...can you follow up with her answer?