By green2black - 19/05/2010 07:09 - United States
Top comments
You would never have reached this conclusion if you had a cat. Unless you're into D&S.
how are
I don't see a problem; golden retrievers are great dogs. Did she refuse to go out with you?
u got 99 problems and that bitch is 1
At least she's a blonde.
she will be the smartest blonde female you will ever find... nah im just kidding I know heaps of smart blonde females
Are you a complete dumb ass? Take that dog to the park and you'll meet zillions of women. Go to the local dog park, and you are almost sure to score. Every time I've been to the dog park, I invariably chat with women even though in the looks department, I'm . . . well, better represented by five earth-tone stripes ;)
This. Sounds like you need to meet another dog lover. You can also try going to doggie events or volunteering at a shelter if you like animals that much. Lots of young attractive single girls at the one I volunteer at.
Haha I imagine I would do the same. If my hubby said he would leave me if I didn't get rid of the dogs, guess who'd be leaving? He loves them though :P OP, a puppy is the ultimate chick magnet!
Good point, perdix. But can that animal lovin' girl really be as good at catching flying balls in her mouth?
Beastieality is ILLEGAL
You should get out more then....