By Username - 27/05/2011 21:13 - United States

Today, I finally get to go home after a 16 day training event in Colorado. The plane has been sitting in the runway for over three hours due to lightning storms and we're not allowed to leave. We've spent more time on the ground waiting than the flight itself would take. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 630
You deserved it 3 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's frustrating when the weather's involved :( All for your safety though! (:

nocanhaz 4

You can get off the plane easy. Just have a "claustrophobic breakdown" and I'm pretty sure they would let you off, or you would just known as the person that went crazy on the plane. Either way it's worth it.


yankees17766 2

he is in the military. can't just get off

totally agree with boners on this one!

SouljaBabii 0

I don't know about you but I don't think there was a lightning storm today nor yesterday nor the day before

SouljaBabii 0

that is Colorado but there havn't been bad weather in Colorado for over 4 days it's just windy brezzy and sunny so idk how that works and I live in Colorado so I should know

colorado91 0

YDI for hating on Colorado.

freaky592 2

but then you were flying through the air incredibly!!!! a human, flying!!!!!! go on YouTube and search "everything is amazing and nobody I happy"

iamelrebel 0

That's better than dying! At least you weren't in Joplin!

antoinemartinez 0