By Dejected - 07/12/2009 19:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sincerely - 03/06/2010 04:47 - United States
By jolene11 - 17/05/2010 02:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/03/2015 05:35
Distance makes the heart…
By unknown - 27/02/2012 17:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/08/2022 06:00
By AnnoyedWoman - 17/08/2014 10:19 - United Kingdom - Southampton
By ChopSuey - 01/06/2016 04:02 - United States - West Monroe
Frying pan, meet fire
By Anonymous - 03/09/2023 22:00
By Jessi - 21/07/2010 19:32 - United States
By AlwaysGottaFML - 20/08/2011 07:26 - United States
Top comments
cod mw 2!!
he's deployed and dealing with all that stress, and **** YOUR life? I hope he dumps you and your ungrateful ass...
mw2>nagging woman. and like deathr0w said...all guys do it
Why on earth would his wife outweigh the WAR he's fighting in? I agree his wife should outweigh COD, but she doesn't outweigh his life. That said, he could play COD for any number of reasons: fighting is what he knows and he likes to compare the game to real life, plus it's probably nice for him to go kill some people without having to worry about actually dying. I'm sure it's a good stress reliever for him because he's not actually getting shot at but he can take out some aggression.
First of all CoD outweighs all. (No not really, the guy is an ass, divorce him.) But playing a war video game is a lot different and more fun than actually being over there fighting one.
just another sexist woman men need down time i agree he shoud have called but your being and inconsiderate bitch women need to back off men love toys and manly shit and dont always want to talk learn that fast
just another sexist woman men need down time i agree he shoud have called but your being and inconsiderate bitch women need to back off men love toys and manly shit and dont always want to talk learn that fast
she's not ungrateful, she just misses him. it's hard having someone you love out there fighting in the war...think about it.
This FML is a sign this site is going down the drain. Mostly because people are complaining about "darn" instead of real ****!!! things. Two weeks might seem like a long time, I used to go to summer camp longer than that and not call home. You called him during his bonding with his friends. He did not choose video games over you. He just chose to take his mind off things. Sure it seems weird. But he most likely just wants to be a guy, not worrying about talking to his wife who will most likely tell him about all the things he is missing, make him feel lonely without her, and make him focus on the thing he doesn't want to : that he might die, that war is real, and that he isn't at home with her. Let the guy have his down time. When he is not stressed he will call you.
This is pretty much the best FML I've read. Lol. Not for her though. I love it because the entire year I've been deployed we've played COD. Have our PODS all linked together and shit. And yes, Call of Duty by far is more important then you. It relieves the stress while we're deployed. The only reason for him to get off for you would be if you were getting naked on webcam. Fact.
they use war games in the military to train soldiers to kill without thinking.
To anyone who thinks CoD: MW2 is more important and that she's selfish, how should I put it...? Ah yes, you're a bunch of ignorant moronic dumbasses. Grow the **** up and look at the reality of life. Yes, everyone needs an escape to relieve themselves of stress and hardships. However, he also has a commitment to his relationship. Do you even realize how ******* hard it is and rare it is to communicate with someone in the military and deployed? She needs reassurance too. She needs to know he's okay, and to remind him she loves him, and to hear his voice. Who knows when they'll talk again? Point is he can put down the game for a few to talk to his wife who misses him, and play it again when he is done. God, this ******* site is seriously overflowing with morons, but I just had to join and set the record straight for all of you immature assholes. Seriously the average IQ level of the people on this site makes me want to rip out my eyes.
I couldn't agree with you more.
I totally agree. That bullcrap "he's in a war and you're selfish and..." yeah....she's totally selfish because the next time she hears about him he could be DEAD and the last conversation they had was "oh sorry babe i'm playin COD **** YOU goodbye..." yeah... that's the worst wife ever for being upset that that's the last time she saw her husband. gosh...this site is overflowing with morons....
gahahahaha true that.
dont bother a man and his video game system
I'll agree. Except, I'm a girl that plays :) COD MW2>you. Only, guys need to accept it as well. hehe
hey dont hate on call of duty there is always an epic battle in there lol
List of priorities for man: 1)Beer 2)Friends 3)Games 4)Mummy ... 1284)Significant Other.
5 is single
People in the military often use video games like COD in downtime to keep their reactions sharp. The epic battle in which he was engaged could save his life or the life of someone around him.
It does, kinda, but not in the way he makes it sound.
fourth nubs
he must not be deployed in iraq or afganistan if you're able to call him. leave the poor man alone he's got enough people nagging him.
We have phones out here, believe it or don't. And some guys splurged for tri-band cell phones (are not cheap).
your an ass a sexest ass at that you think a womans not more important than call of duty you probably dont have a gf or a wife and your a lonely poindexter who plays video games and sits on the computer all day blogging with people you think are your friends and watching **** as a substitute for not having a real love life. you sir fail miserably
dude dont be so harsh just relax the person doesnt need your negative comments
What do you think your talking about??? my husbands in Iraq, and i just mailed him guitar hero for christmass because they have a PS3 over there already. just because they have it easier than vietnam doensnt mean they're all cozy and at home in luxury. idiot.

you have obviously never been in an epic battle in call of duty. lol
dont bother a man and his video game system