By Mikey - 28/04/2009 06:50 - United States

Today, I finally got cleared after my knee surgery and wanted to go salsa dancing with a girl I liked. So we went and I thought I would show off a little bit and try to dip her and kiss her. Turns out my knee isn't strong enough and now she won't talk to me after dropping her on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 479
You deserved it 46 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatfaceunited 0

forget the bitch. If she won't talk to you because you dropped her less than 2 feet, that's her prblem and not yours

Forget her, she doesn't sound like she has a sence of humour anyways, man if some guy dropped me while dancing I wouldn't be able to get up I'd be laughing so hard hope ur knee gets better :)


mrhahn530 0

Doesn't really surprise me. Find someone mature enough to laugh it off...

photographer_fml 0

LMAO....real smooth dood...real smooth

YDI for dancing. The pathetic things you humans do...

TheZephyrSon 3

#10, calm down. I agree with #2. If she's that bitchy that she won't forgive you for dropping her accidentally a couple feet, you don't want to be with her.

I have been dropped by a guy when dancing before. OP, your girl's a bitch. But, still, FYL. You probably will end up having to go for ANOTHER knee surgery after this (you most likely tore something ELSE in your knee now). Kudos to you for trying to go for something you wanted, though.

lym777 0

#21 No, just a dancer who knows basic dance etiquette. Honestly, I would forgive someone for dropping me, especially if they were injured, but not for going for a kiss in the middle of a dance without prior permission. In partner dancing, that's creepy as hell.

#10, you are completely right! It's a IDY! #12, if he does not understand that he was not supposed to do that, he will probably not understand anything else. To the OP: first learn how to do the steps, then ONLY do them if you are absolutely sure you can pull them. If you fail a cross body lead, too bad. If you fail a dip, that could result in serious injuries. Dbag.

# 25 are you an alien? Elf? Dwarf? I never knew dancing (an ancient ritual) was pathetic...... you're right, us silly humans..... *rolls eyes*

Aww, that sucks :( she shouldn't have been mean about it, surely she knew you were recovering from knee surgery?

helios_rex 0

That's why White people shouldn't salsa dance.