By Mikey - 28/04/2009 06:50 - United States

Today, I finally got cleared after my knee surgery and wanted to go salsa dancing with a girl I liked. So we went and I thought I would show off a little bit and try to dip her and kiss her. Turns out my knee isn't strong enough and now she won't talk to me after dropping her on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 479
You deserved it 46 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatfaceunited 0

forget the bitch. If she won't talk to you because you dropped her less than 2 feet, that's her prblem and not yours

Forget her, she doesn't sound like she has a sence of humour anyways, man if some guy dropped me while dancing I wouldn't be able to get up I'd be laughing so hard hope ur knee gets better :)


BillieJ 0

Wow, tell that bitch to get a sense of humor.

Alright #32, you racist piece of crap... when did he say he was white anyway?

You just had knee surgery. "Cleared" is not the same as "declared to be just as functional as you were prior to knee surgery." YD that one, now start on a light exercise routine.

dude i kno how u feel i went to my senior homecoming only 3 weeks after acl surgery and could barely dance now i can but it gives out every once in a while just get ur strenght up and ull be good

Ehh, if you JUST had knee surgery, should you really have gone in the first place? Save that shit for when you're at your best.

Not a rly good idea To do a SALSA Dance With Your GF After having a knee surgery. You could of waited till you recover from the surgery. Like if i were you i'd go to a cafe or have a lil walk, BUT NOT DANCING..Just YDI Sorry man But What do You Expect?

melishusss 0

getting dropped accidentally during a dip is no big deal. it wud hav been different if OP dropped her maliciously during a swing dance move.

OP - yeah, probably should have waited a while to build up your strength before trying that. Sounds like you got a little overconfident. @lym777 (#10/28) - lighten up. Some people like to dance just for fun, or because they're attracted to their partner. I know when I'm dancing with my boyfriend, I love when he unexpectedly goes into a dip-and-kiss. I showed him how to do that move because it's fun and spontaneous. OP didn't just grab a random girl on the dance floor as his partner - he asked a girl he likes, and the fact that she said yes shows she probably likes - or liked - him, too. Would you really ruin the spontaneity by making your partner ask permission before trying to show affection on the dance floor? If so, here's a tip: it's a lot easier to dance without a stick up your butt.