By e.middlechild - 13/06/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, I finally got enough courage to ask out this girl that I've liked for a year. While we were out at lunch, she ran into her ex that she had just broken up with. They then had a long conversation about their relationship, and ended up getting back together. She was my ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 458
You deserved it 3 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She left you stranded there?! If she did she's an ass, and you're better off without her.

I'm not sure if this FML is about losing a potential GF or losing a ride home :D


wow, i can totally relate dude! same shit happened to me, and ITS BULLSHIT!!!! worst part was in my situation, the ex happens to be the biggest douchebag EVER. hopefully the ex isnt a total asshole about it and doesnt rub it in your face.......god i hate the ****** that did that........

e11e 0

People need to stop using the word "proceeded" in their FML's. It's way overused. Just be creative and write something different!

mehwhateverr 0

Who cares about the word 'proceeded'? It's a word. It was used correctly, even if it was spelled wrong. "then proceeded' makes sense and then and proceeded are NOT the same word. proceed = to go on to do something /=/ then. also, fyl, OP.

YDI for asking out a girl who has just brok up with a guy! u gotta wait alittle while, cuz people tend to get back together... althugh for the most part only temporary

thuryn 2

proceeded proceeded proceeded proceeded proceeded

I'm sorry but I think YDI for making the girl drive when YOU asked her out and this was probably the first date. Unless you're too young to get your license or some situation like that.

SluttyMcNugget 0

Today, I finally proceeded to proceed to get enough courage to proceed to ask this girl I've proceeded to like for a year. While we proceeded to be at lunch, she then proceeded to run into her ex she had just proceeded to break up with. They then proceeded to proceed to have a long conversation about their relationship, and proceeded to end up proceeding to get back together. She was my ride to proceed home. I am proceeding to write FML. PROCEED IS A ******* ANNOYING WORD!!

Well maybe you should have waited until she had completely forgotten about her ex, since you said they had broken up not so long ago

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