By e.middlechild - 13/06/2009 12:15 - United States

Today, I finally got enough courage to ask out this girl that I've liked for a year. While we were out at lunch, she ran into her ex that she had just broken up with. They then had a long conversation about their relationship, and ended up getting back together. She was my ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 458
You deserved it 3 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She left you stranded there?! If she did she's an ass, and you're better off without her.

I'm not sure if this FML is about losing a potential GF or losing a ride home :D


effmyyliifee 0

hahahaa that sucks man ride of shame

Why's everyone being so bitchy about the girl? She just bumped into her ex and that rekindled her feelings for him, that's not her fault. It sucks for the guy, but you can't blame anyone.

Never ask a girl who just got out of a relationship on a date. I mean, your position sucks, but you asked for it.

Wow, you've managed to use proceeded in the wrong context and with the wrong spelling.

blankslate 0

I love how many comments were left about the word 'proceed'.

emyle11 0

That was ****** up of her to do. Good riddance.

emyle11 0

I don't understand what the big deal is over "proceeded." He may have spelled it wrong (and it does sound a bit awkward because of "they"), but it actually is grammatically acceptable to say "then proceeded." Or do you guys just find it annoying?